President Bonner throwing toilet paper at Junk the Jungle with students.


Hands holding buttons

After Jo Bonner became South’s fourth president, he started handing out buttons to people he met. Students collect and trade the different designs — more than 30 so far, with new ones added frequently. Some commemorate holidays or other special occasions. Many feature Jaguar mascots SouthPaw and Miss Pawla. If you collect them all, the president promises to buy you a drink. Meet him at Hancock Whitney Stadium to collect.  

Classic Collection

USA Classic button
Southpaw Button
Paw button
Go Jags button
South button
Jaghead Button
Ms. Pawla button
J Hand button
Vintage Jag button
SA Button
City button
Southpaw and Ms. Pawla Graduation button

Special Edition

USA Multicolor button
State button
Flag button
Bowl button
60th Anniversary button
Celebrating 60 years button
Flapjacks Finals Frenzy button
WOW Button
Good Vibes Only button
Supreme Court button
Homecoming button
Ms. Pawla's Grill Button


Southpaw as a turkey button
Holiday Southpaw button
Ms. Pawla Holiday button
Mardi Gras button
St. Patrcik's Day button
USA Patriotic button
Southpaw Patriotic button

Program Specific

Southpaw with a stethoscope button
ROTC Southpaw button
Greek button
Southpaw in Marching Band uniform button
Jaguar Marching Band button
Oozeball button
Jaguar legs in tennis shoes The Rec button
Southbound Orientation button
South is a state of mind button
Prowlers Button
Cheer Button
Southerners Button
Faculty Senate button
Global USA Button